HEY YA’LL Wuzzzzzzzuuuppppp!!
Chelsie B., super dope News Reporter, invited me on the KTBS 3 (NBC) today and we talked about ways to support my fashion business, opening a showroom and the upcycling designs that I have been doing lately! I adore Chelsie and love how she has a beautiful platform for the Creatives in my hometown of Shreveport! It’s very refreshing to be able to have a voice! She honored my past accomplishments and more!

Baby Lala was sleep, bc normally he would be on the tv screen with me, he is teething so my sister was on set with me holding my sleepy baby boy!

I enjoyed this interview and looking forward to more to come!

I wore a little H&M sundress, my pink jellies from Rainbow and some slouch socks! Yall know ai love funky stuff!

You can watch the interview below! https://www.ktbs.com/latasha-henderson/video_b007cb6f-76eb-5e63-9de7-49398a377346.html